Let's improv'e together!
Improving leaders, teams, and experiences with intentional improv inspired experiences.
Intentionally designed improv inspired experiences 4...
4 when entrepreneurs want to improve their pitch and storytelling to attract funding, talent, customers, and excitement.
4 when you want your team to improve communication, collaboration, adaptability, and creative problem solving.
...Events & Offsites
4 when you want to bring the most fun way possible to include more connection, energy, and skill-building to your event or offsite.
...I don't know?
4 when you know improving is important, but you're not sure how, when, why, who, what, or otherwise have a ton of questions and want some suggestions
What People Are Saying...
"Mary facilitated an improv session for our accelerator and it was AMAZING. The entrepreneurs told us after that they left feeling energized, more confident, and "thrilled to have dedicated time to play." The entrepreneurs bonded and their pitches improved. Can't recommend Mary highly enough!!!"
— Shannon Farley, Co-Founder of Fast Forward Accelerator
What They Are Saying...
"Mary's exercises were engaging and enlightening, and a great option for in-person team events. And it's not all just fun and games - Mary certainly understands the nuances of corporate culture and knows how to build around that. The activities were thoughtfully put together and never just low-effort appropriations from the world of improv. Highly recommend!"
— Matthew Au, Associate Director at Verizon
What They Are Saying...
"The Improve team did a terrific job engaging a team of 100 marketers. The session was fast and fun and created opportunities for collaboration and learning. Any leader who wants to build more collaboration and connectivity in their team should include improv in their toolkit. Working with Mary is a delight. She listens to your objectives and delivers on your ask."
— Ellina Shinnick, CMO of Hub International
What They Are Saying...
"My team improv'ed with Mary and her team. We had a ton of fun, while learning and getting to know each other. Highly recommend to any team that wants to improve together!"
— Neha Sampat, CEO at Contentstack
(c) Improve Studios 2024